Once you get to Photobucket, create your log-in and upload a photo? What next?
OK I will show you a few simple tools to help resize and adjust in order to get you started.
Let's say you need to have a photo be 800px by 800px. That means 800px wide and high- a square. The whole px or pixels thing can be confusing if that is not a term you are familiar with using.
Easy peasey. Let's do it.
To crop and resize ( using 800px x 800px as our example)
Step 1. Create your account, upload a photo.
Step 2. After you upload, the screen is going to appear like below. You'll notice EDIT at the top.
Select EDIT
Step 3. Photobucket will ask you which photo to select by bringing up a box with all your photos. Simply choose the image you want by clicking on it.
Step 4. Select the CROP tool.
Step 5. Select SQUARE. For this example, you need to have an 800px by 800px square image. If you needed only 800px wide by 600px high, then you would choose CUSTOM.
See those white circles in the image below? Those will allow you to choose where you need to crop by moving them around with your cursor. Hit APPLY when done.
Step 6. Now to resize!
Step 7. Pop in the size you need - which is 800px by800px. Make sure you hit "APPLY" when you are satisfied.
Step 8. Saving the image. Be careful with this step. You have two choices to make. Do you need the original to be preserved? If yes, then you will ant to select "SAVE". This allows you to rename the file.
"REPLACE ORIGINAL" will totally overwrite the image and the original is gone.
Thanks Jenni!!!, I use picmonkey and photoshop but I will try this one, too. xoxo