I'm here with a super quick video on how to use up those ink and mist saturated paper towels on your projects. Paper towels are my best friend when it comes to dabbing mist from a page, or cleaning excess mist from my craft mat. I've gotta be honest - sometimes my paper towels are prettier than my project or misting experiment.
But I also feel that I waste a lot of mist during the creative process or when I am trying something different -testing out a "look". So waste no more! Incorporate those mist soaked paper towels into your project for some incredible and rich texture. Never toss a towel out again. Just add it to your ever growing "stash" for use at a later date.
This is what I created with my paper towels. I used them for texture. I adhered them to the page using Gel Medium, then added seed beads and let dry. Super easy!
This tutorial builds upon the tutorial created by Jackie Clark, on March 5th called "Worry Free Misting". It was a wonderful tutorial with a sensational video ( a 'MUST SEE" if you are timid about mists). Fabulous, you can now mist and spritz with confidence. And then what? You have paper towels soaked in Glitz, and Glam, Spritz, Shimmerz, Lindy's, 13Arts Mists, Prima Color Sprays...you name it - it's probably on your paper towel.
Well waste no more!
Here is a quick - (4 min) video showing how I used my paper towels. In today's ecomony, you need to be crafty and economical.
I used Carmen - a deep rich red to bring out the reds in my heart image. Then I applied a little Ginger Peach, which has a warm orange touch. Last, I used Solar Gold. This leaves a golden sheen on the page - transparent and definitely not overpowering, just enough for a gilded highlight.
For comparison's sake - I usually love to use Rub'N Buff when trying to achieve a gilded look, but that tends to be heavy and give a more antique look. Solar Gold Silk is a great intermediate step.
When the layers dry, they are quite hard from the gel medium. They will be pretty durable.
Here are a few other projects I created using the paper towels created using the March Mixed Art! add on kit . This project , along with instructions, can be found here.

And yet another example. The flower centers are simply paper towels bunched up and glued on. You can see how I made them with a video seen here.
The center of the flowers was simply baled up paper towels. No technique - nothing fancy - just rolled, balled and glued.
Gel Medium
13 Arts Ayeeda Yellow Amber Mist
Shimmerz Spritz Tuscan Sun
Lindy's Flat Fabio Mango Mania
Lindy's Bougainvillea Fuchsia
Prima Color Bloom Mists - Tangerine
Splash of Color - Silks in Solar Gold, Carmen, Ginger Peach
Seed Beads
Prima Mask 960348
Flying Unicorn Metal Adornments
Floral berries
Jennifer, thank you so much for these projects. The first one with the reds, oranges & golds is my favorite...It is so amazingly beautiful. Thanks for showing how it was done.